
Much more than you expect...

With our professional team, for your investments or your investment research in Turkey, they will be happy to assist in legal, taxation and audit areas. Our main services; independent audit, internal audit, fraud risk assessment, due diligence, establishment, acquisition, dissolving, taxation, payrolling and creating a financial system.

Know your partner

How much do you know about third parties who you have already had commercial relations, or you want to establish new business relationships that can satisfy your demands?

Buying an Entity

Nowadays, it is becoming an increasingly preferred method for large companies to purchase existing companies instead of establishing a new company to make new investments or head to new sectors.

Knowing What Happens Inside

Shareholders or management may not be sure to what extent the financial data reflect the truth. Especially for companies where its management and shareholders are different people, it is important to know whether there are any possibilities that could damage them such as fraud and error.

Know your partner

How much do you know about third parties who you have already had commercial relations, or you want to establish new business relationships that can satisfy your demands?

Buying an Entity

Nowadays, it is becoming an increasingly preferred method for large companies to purchase existing companies instead of establishing a new company to make new investments or head to new sectors.

Knowing What Happens Inside

Shareholders or management may not be sure to what extent the financial data reflect the truth. Especially for companies where its management and shareholders are different people, it is important to know whether there are any possibilities that could damage them such as fraud and error.
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